Saturday, September 13, 2008

An Evening with friends...

We originally started as 10 adults and one child (one couple is obviously missing). We now have 13 children between the 10 adults. That's right, we're outnumbered! We had the best time getting together with our old friends. We started a small group when we started attending our church 9 years ago. We were all newly married, without children, and full of ourselves.
Now we are full of children, occupations, and doing for others.
We have grown in more ways than one...

1 comment:

Rebekah Hubley said...

Yah, I think we are just a bit outnumbered! When the Sisler's are finished they will have the most. They are now adopting a sibling group from Ethiopia, before their little girl from China comes home. Can you believe it? So exciting!!! Our photos will really look crazy when we are all complete! That was such a fun night!!!