Friday, May 9, 2008

Pre-School Graduation

Today, I watched as my little girl went from Pre-school to a new school adventure. I am so proud of her and all her hard work. She is so bright, and creative, and imaginative. We are so very blessed to have two healthy, happy, girls that love life and all that it has to offer.

Arrrrr! I'm a Pirate...

Sophie's school carnival had a theme and we played it to the max! Love the butterfly t-shirt and the skull and crossbones head scarf! Nice! It was a blast and Sydni can't wait until Sophie's school is her school. Soon baby girl, soon...

A Weekend With the Grandparents

Daddy, trying not to tangle the fishing lines! We didn't catch anything! The lake was cold and the fish were still sleeping. We did have fun watching the geese and ducks! Louie thought about getting in but decided against it. Too cold!
All through our marriage we have several of these pictures. Scott took it, I always wonder what they will turn out like. This is pretty great actually!
Scott's mom with the girls. One goofy and the other pretending not to notice anyone!
Shake what your mama gave you! These girls know how to get down and boogie!
Scott's mom and dad. She loves to dance and he loves to just stand and watch. Sometimes she even makes him hold her hand while dancing! This was one of those moments!
My in-laws have a home away from home down in Southern Indiana. We took a weekend and just got away. We fished, and hiked, danced with a state senator, and enjoyed our time away from home.

A Day At Metea Park

Sophie, is truly a tree hugger in this photo! I love those blue eyes!!!!
Sydni with two pine cones she picked up, no worries Aunt Sharon, we follow that rule of leave no footprints while out in the woods. She placed them nicely back into the needles where she found them.
There could be not better sisters than these two, one minute ready to pull each other's hair and the next defending!

Over spring break we went to Metea Park, a local nature preserve her in the Fort. The girls and I hiked. We went through the woods and down a very steep embankment. It was a little chilly that day but it was fun to get out and about during that week.